Post by mrnegativity on Jan 7, 2006 3:07:37 GMT -5
I've had a pretty good run so far on medals and am sitting on 31 right now. I have a good idea on how to go about getting several others, but I'm stuck on the symbols w/o temples medal. I just earned the item that lets you get symbols upon defeating a creature, and outside of using that in tandem with a Centaur which lets you keep items, I'm lost. Please say there's a quicker and more efficient way.
Post by Cernovog on Jan 9, 2006 15:02:20 GMT -5
You should probably just keep playing for fun, or for other medals, until you earn more coins of piety. However, if you really want that medal, there are ways to do it with just one....
With just one coin of piety, it might be a good idea to set up your deck to make you go through cards faster. Use the Brass Idol card to make you draw two cards per round. That will let you cycle through your deck quickly to get to the coin of piety again.
It might help to use the Find card. This will also make you go through your deck faster. In my experience, it's good to have Find until you get the Brass Idol down. After that, it becomes extraneous.
Lightcraft is also useful. After you use your Coin of Piety, use Lightcraft to reset your deck so you can get it again.
Another card that will be of some help is Sanctum Guard. You only earn 5 symbols for each defeated enemy, but it helps. I haven't used her in conjunction with coin of piety, but I bet you'd get a total of 15 medals if you won with that combo.
Sanctum Guard works best agains a wounded monster. Use damage spells to soften up your neighbors before invading. Rust is also a handy spell to weaken your opponent's defense.
Earn Sanctum Guard by revisiting and winning at Kazatega in Story Mode.
Do you have Aurora? Stack your deck with as many as you have and cast them often. The spell is cheap and will allow you to earn more with just a few symbols.
As for strategy, set the goal high (75,000 - 90,000) and play normally! When you come to a battle you know for sure you can win, use the Coin!
Use an aggressive opponent who will invade and give you a chance to battle. A passive opponent like Mullyn will just take the hit. You can't get symbols if your opponent won't fight! I chose Zagol (see my previous post).
Really, I suggest you wait until you earn more Coins of Piety, but if you really want to go for it now, then I wish you luck! Let us know how it went, success or failure!
Post by Cleric on Mar 27, 2006 12:10:27 GMT -5
When I went for this medal, I didn't have Sanctum Guard, or Aurora, or Shine. At the time I thought, like Aurora and Shine, that Sanctum Guard was a normal card that you could earn, instead of an E card, and I didn't want to wait around until I had earned all of them. Anyway, I was able to get the medal without them, but I did have 4 Coins of Piety. My boyfriend is currently planning to go for the medal with just the Sanctum Guard, and no Coins of Piety... I would definitely try to get the Sanctum Guard if you don't have many Coins. My match was against Zagol, for the reasons Cernovog mentioned, and I played it on Malthessburg. I played an all blue deck, thinking that I would try to get all my symbols in blue and then level up those lands... that's not how it ended up. I actually ended up using Storm Giants and Yetis (even a Grendel against Zagol's Will 'o Wisps) to steal away Zagol's fire chains. I owned only red symbols, which were worth well over the needed amount by the time I owned all the fire lands and had most of them leveled up. Hope that helps some people that are still looking to get this medal. -- C